If I have something that might be interesting to others, I might write it down here.
Of course all opinions are my own.
If you want to stay up to date, it's probably best to follow me on Twitter.
If I have something that might be interesting to others, I might write it down here.
Of course all opinions are my own.
If you want to stay up to date, it's probably best to follow me on Twitter.
22. Mar 2025
Dies ist meine persönliche Einschätzung zum Konzept Gemeinsame Wettkämpfe im Einrad Freestyle in der Fassung vom 23. Februar 2025.
16. May 2024
I waited far too long to switch away from Twitter, but I finally took the time to update my socials.
16. May 2024
If you're using ts-rs and struggle to use the generated bindings in your TS project or have a workflow that involves manual steps, this post is for you.
15. Feb 2024
The native Web GmbH is publishing little coding challenges and I like to do code-golf with them. This is my solution to their challenge from november 2023.
23. Dec 2023
I was invited to become a member of the 11ty project one month ago. This post is closing 2023 on a high note so I just want to share with you how it is for me to be part of an Open Source project.
22. Dec 2023
This post is way more serious and personal than my usual stuff and completely unrelated to tech. It mentions selfharm and more. If you're struggling in life, seek help!
23. Jul 2023
In this entry to my new series about WebGPU and .STLs I'll take a look at how STL files work.
23. Jul 2023
This is just an announcement for a new blogpost series I'll be doing about WebGPU and STL files.
21. Feb 2023
CommonJS is an established way of building modules in JavaScript. ESM on the other hand is a newer standard way of writing modules. Both have their ups and downs and I want to discuss them here.
15. Feb 2023
As a professional developer submitting for and providing incoming changes code reviews is a fundamental task. There's a lot that can go wrong in this kind of communication and I want to shine a light on how to make it better from my perspective.
7. Feb 2023
Shiki is a really nice syntax highlighter that I already wrote about. This is just a short post to show you how to use it with eleventy.
1. Feb 2023
Adding syntax highlighting to a blog is hard, doing it in a good way is hard. I recently switched my setup away from @11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight to a custom solution based on Shiki.
21. Dec 2022
Every now and then I want to use some service that is only available as a native app. If this is your service, please stop and hear me out.
19. Dec 2022
Currently the CSS Working Group is discussing how native CSS Nesting will work and there are multiple options for a Nesting Syntax. I will take a look at these and provide my opinion.
20. Okt 2022
(Last Update: 2023-01-30) "The native web" is a german web consulting firm that also has a fairly successful YouTube account. Recently they launched a custom video search for their YouTube account and I took a look at it.
1. Sep 2022
Jake Archibald started the old discussion about whether or not to do self-closing HTML tags and once again my response doesn't fit in 280 characters.
31. Jul 2022
The debate is strong and I have some opinions.
29. Jul 2022
Starter packs / starter projects / project templates or however you want to call them, I don't like them and you can read here why.
8. Jul 2022
Zach Leatherman asked what style of internationalization you'd prefer (explicit or implicit) and my response just doesn't fit in 280 characters.
28. Feb 2022
I published my first crate on crates.io which can be used for working with location data (parsing, serializing, resolving). This Post is about what I've learned during that process and how it feels to author a package with no real external input.
28. Feb 2022
Because of my bachelor thesis I spend a day going down a rabbit hole to figure out whether or not popularity can be taken as an indicator for quality of a npm package. The result was surprisingly expected.
7. Feb 2022
Chrome (and Chromium browsers) make the lion share of the modern web userbase. Today one of the Safari Web Developer Experience Evangelists painted a dystopian image of a 95% Chromium browser world. Since it's coming from the Safari team, I want to write my opinion on this.
27. Jan 2022
The Robert Koch Institut (RKI) in germany provides a dashboard via ArcGIS to provide an overview over the current state of COVID in the country. I have some opinion on this from a web dev point of view.
26. Jan 2022
Make it fresh, style it new and give it new content!
22. Feb 2021
I love rollup and I love 11ty (eleventy), but mixing the two seems to be a little hard - at least when looking at the starter projects presented on 11ty's website. Here's my take on it.